"Powell describes his tour in Vietnam with the Marines in great detail which sets the stage for his personal journey home with all the painful memories and problems that surface with someone who has gone to hell and come back to tell about it.

"His autobiographical work is a must read for veterans who remain stuck between two worlds-the physical reality of civilian life while the psychological, emotional and spiritual life remain on the battlefield half a world away. Healing is painful but so necessary to reintegrate those two worlds into one. Healing is not forgetting but healing is making sense of the past in order to live life in the present with a restored hope for the future. Powell articulates this process very well and has given a tremendous gift to the combat veteran community of any generation."

Father Philip G. Salois, M.S.
Founder, International Conference of War Veteran Ministers
(formerly the National Conference of Viet Nam Veteran Ministers)
National Chaplain, Vietnam Veterans of America Entire contents copyright (c)2010 Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, MI
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